
About Us

Critiquing/Proofreading Services

What do we offer?
As writers, we know firsthand how impossible it is to proofread and/or edit your own work. Let's face it, we've read the work so many times from idea to fruition that it's easy to overlook spelling and grammar mistakes. That's where a fresh pair of eyes will come in handy. Whether your document is business related or personal, trust us to make it a grammatically correct read.


When can you expect a reply?
An initial response will be provided within 24-48 hours. Project turn around time will be discussed based on author's needs.

What do we handle?
Fiction: Short stories, novellas, category-length, or single-title novels intended for publication, synopsis.

Non-Fiction: Cover letter, resume, newsletter, blog article, business plan, promotional ad, essays.

What are our charges?

Your writing just needs a final check for simple errors involving spelling, grammar and punctuation ... Rate is $10 per 1000 words.

Basic Copy Editing
Awkward sentences, unclear meaning and repetition can serve to confuse a reader. Without making changes to your actual document, we will seek out and comment on trouble areas for you to use or not, as you wish... Rate is $15 per 1000 words.

The advanced editing option cleans up poor sentence structure and reorganizes larger blocks of text where necessary. All changes and suggestions are highlighted for easy review... Rate is $30 per 1000 words.

Send over your audio or handwritten notes and we'll write your work for you... Rate is $50 per 1000 words.

Beta Critique (only for fiction)
Your story idea is superb and your English is flawless. Rely on us to highlight plot holes or problems with continuity, characterization, and pacing. Whether the problem is the sagging middle or show vs tell, we can help figure it out… Rate is $10 per 1000 words.

Points to note before sending us your work:
1/ All work must be double-spaced and legible, 12 pt or higher font and submitted as .doc or .rtf (No .docx please)
2/ Word count used for pricing invoices based on actual computer count when received.
3/ All prices are in Canadian Dollars. Partial payment of estimated fee required in advance.
4/ We reserve the right to refuse work where deemed unsuitable by critique partners.

What we don’t handle?
Fiction (Only Proofreading done) : Historical novels, Science Fiction.
Non-fiction (Only Proofreading done) : Novels, Autobiography, Movie scripts.

Still have questions? Please visit our FAQ page.